Specialist in sawn timber on an industrial scale


  • Logging and Trade
  • Sawing and Sharpening
  • Logistics and Transportation
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Sawn timber

  • Sleepers
  • Crossing sleepers
  • Square-edged sawn timber
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Related products

  • Wood chips
  • Sawdust
  • Bark
  • Pulping
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  • Stave wood
  • Unedged sawn timber
  • Miscellaneous species
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Rue Francis de Pressencé

08170 Fumay

Phone : +33 (0)3 24 40 49 32

Fax : +33 (0)3 24 41 04 69

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The best solution in the shortest possible time

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the focus of
our priorities

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100% of the wood collected
is transformed

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Icon IFA

"In the heart of the Ardennes woodland, wood is our passion."

Wood logs

IFA saws up an average of 45,000 m3 of logs per year, 90% oak and 10% beech. The technical characteristics of oak make it a hard-wearing material that is perfect for the Group’s requirements.

The logs are transformed into crossing sleepers, sleepers and square-edged sawn timber by our three automated sawing lines.

Our management system ensures that we have enough stock to satisfy demand regardless of the weather conditions.

A meticulous selection process

A meticulous selection process

Our company takes great care in meticulously and rationally selecting PEFC-certified wood. Logs are individually selected to match the expectations and requirements of our customers. From reception after felling to storage, each stage of the production process represents an opportunity to carry out a detailed inspection.

A usage for each level of quality

A usage for each level of quality

Each log is broken down into several quality levels, which determine the final product that will be produced. The stave wood part - stump log - is sold to stave mills. The rest is transported to the IFA lines, where wood sleepers, square-edged timber and unedged timber are sawn.

The Group’s main supplier

The Group’s main supplier

Our IFA sawmill exclusively supplies the other companies in the Group. From sleepers to related products, everything is consumed internally, creating a local and sustainable value chain.